Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), a transformative and all natural cosmetic procedure that has the capacity to unlock the power of healing and restoration using your own blood to help rejuvenate your skin, strengthen tissue and promote hair growth.

What is PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin)? 

PRF stands for Platelet Rich Fibrin, a newer procedure and a younger sister to PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) which has evolved out of the PRP therapy method and has gone a few steps further. Blood is drawn from your arm, unlike PRP no preservatives or anticoagulants are required. Although it has many similarities to PRP, it contains higher levels of the blood protein, fibrin, and specific white cells. Consequently, PRF is believed to generate longer-lasting results because its fibrin matrix traps platelet cytokines and other growth factors to release them gradually over time. 

Plasma and fibrin have a number of rich growth factors that have the capacity to regenerate new tissue. PRP/PRF has been used effectively for a long time in sports medicine in order to heal sports related muscle and tissue injuries, as well as in the treatment of arthritis, and to help speed up the healing process of small fractures, amongst other uses.

What are the Benefits of PRF Treatments?

  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Filling of deeper wrinkles such as nasolabial folds
  • Filler for under eye to decrease fine lines, halloness and wrinkles
  • Tightens and rejuvenates skin
  • Long-lasting benefits
  • Fast recovery and no downtime is required
  • Can be effective on all skin types and colours
  • Treatment for the early stages of hair loss. The growth factors, white blood cells and the platelets can assist dormant hair follicles to wake up!
  • PRP/PRF are also being used for sexual rejuvenation for females and males. These treatments are currently unavailable at this time.

Who is an Ideal Candidate to Receive PRP/PRF?

  • a dull appearance to your skin
  • Dark under eye circles, hollowness and fine lines
  • Individuals who have tried dermal filler under the eye and want to try something else
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • thinning hair, 
  • loss of skin volume or elasticity
  • For individuals who want visible results and would prefer something that is naturally derived from their body and love the idea of healing from the inside out.

How Long Does PRF Last?

PRF facial rejuvenation causes your own body to use its own regenerative cascade and what it makes is yours to keep. Unlike Dermal Fillers that dissolve over time, the collagen and plump that PRF brings stays as long as you take care of your skin and can last a lifetime. PRF treatments generally require 2 treatments 6 weeks apart and yearly for maintenance.

What to Expect During Your PRF Treatment/Cost

You will have 1-4 vials of blood drawn from your arm. The blood will then be spun in a centrifuge. There are a number of treatments we can use PRP/PRF for. ​​A full PRF treatment requires at least 2 treatments 6 weeks apart.


Time: 15-20 minutes.

Your provider will penetrate platelet-rich plasma just below the surface of the skin via a series of tiny pins or micro abrasions using a health canada approved microneedling pen. Bleeding is minimal. May require 1-2 days of downtime.

You may experience some bruising. Once the bruising and swelling decrease you should see an overall improvement in the quality of your skin and these results will only continue to improve in the weeks following your treatment with the most noticeable results occurring after 4-6 weeks. We will likely recommend a series of 1-3 treatments then yearly for maintenance.

How Do I Prepare for my PRF Treatment?

We recommend that you drink lots of water before your treatment so that we can easily draw a good amount of blood. We also recommend that you avoid taking any blood thinning medication such as Advil, Aspirin and Ibuprofen. We always recommend discussing the discontinuation of any medication with your medical practitioner. Avoid drinking alcohol just to minimize any unnecessary bruising for 3-5 days. Arnica tablets can be helpful to take 3-5 days before and after your treatment. Expect some bruising and swelling for 3-5 days.

Is PRF Health Canada Approved?

Yes PRF as a component of PRP. Health Canada says that as long as the PRP treatment involves blood from the patient — which isn't otherwise manipulated — and the procedure is performed by a medical practitioner, it is classified and regulated as a drug. 

Who is Not an Ideal Candidate?
What are Other Considerations and Risks?

  • Recent neurotoxin or dermal filler, we ask individuals to wait at least two weeks.
  • History of cervico-facial or blood cancers that are not in full remission
  • If you are pregnant or nursing
  • Presence of an acute or systemic infection
  • Inform us if you suffer from any blood or autoimmune disorder.
  • Taking medications that can alter platelet function

Since PRF consists of the individual's blood components, very few side effects are expected. The most common adverse reactions are temporary redness, swelling and bruising at the injection site. In theory vascular occlusions are possible if a large amount of fibrin matrix was directed directly into the blood vessel. There have been no reported cases of this.

I Want to Book What are my Next Steps?

You can call or text to book your private consultation with our personal skin care expert who will review your concerns and what procedure is most appropriate based on your anatomy, concerns, budget and goals. Once these recommendations have been made and you are an appropriate candidate for this treatment an appointment will be made with Jennifer Williamson RN, certified PRP/PRF practitioner who will review your consent, medical history and treatment plan along with their medical director and provide the treatment.

Please contact by phone or email:

Educational Videos

These videos were created by Dr. Rajani and have been approved for reuse under a common creative license. The individuals in this video have no affiliation to TTBC. These videos have been provided for educational and information purposes only. 

Before and After



